At one time, Europe was a place where evangelists and the gospel were sent forth to the nations of the world. Now it is some of the hardest ground for the gospel in the earth.

Over 10 years ago Benjamin and Petar Fabijanic were connected in deep brotherhood and partnership for the gospel. Over the years of working together they have seen miraculous outpourings of the Holy Spirit in revival among the youth of not only Croatia, but several other European nations as Pastor Petar gathered them in the revival camps he hosted for many years. These young peoples lives were changed forever in these camps. Deliverance from addiction and demonic oppression, physical healings, repentance of sin and weeping and a passion to reach the lost are just a few manifestations of fruit that came out of those revival camps.

Over the course of time, the land and facility that was used to host these life changing camps was taken away. But NOW, it is time for the resuscitation of the dream of God and the time has come to POSSESS and take the LAND God has spoken to Pastor Petar about. We feel we have a mandate as Ignite Ministries International to partner with and sow a revival seed into the future generation of evangelists and burning ones who will carry the torch of the Gospel in Europe.

We have created a video which shares our heart on this and would like to ask you to watch it and prayerfully consider how you might partner with the move of God for the next generation in Europe. Click here to view the VISION video from Benjamin and Tarrah Deitrick and Pastor Petar Fabijanic. 

Partner with us for a move of God amongst the next generation of revivalists that God will raise up in, for and from Europe. We need partnership in two ways; prayer and finances. Both are essential to bring forth the manifestation of God’s kingdom in this endeavor. God bless you as you seek his heart and respond to what he is stirring you to connect to.

Sow a seed by clicking this link below and make sure to select the “Croatia Building Fund” in the drop down box that’s entitled, “use this donation for.” Sow a seed today!

Or send a check to: Ignite Ministries International / P. O. Box 1303 / Maricopa, AZ. 85139